Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My DH - a complicated man

DH (Bill) & I met in 1998 through my roommate, who worked with him. It's funny, but we met going out with a group to watch Monday Night Football and didn't really get to talk, but we must have both really noticed the other. I thought he was really handsome, but left it as that. Then he came to our Christmas party that year and we talked ALL night. I'd say we were together from that day on...even though we didn't speak for a couple of weeks. It was kind of a complicated situation I guess, since my room mate (a guy) had told all his co-works that I was his girlfriend (which I wasn't), so Bill didn't know what to do. Once I found that out there was no problem...except I didn't have a room mate anymore. LOL.

Anyway, I finally convinced him to get married in 2001 and we tied the knot on 2/2/2002 (yes, he has NO excuse to EVER forget our anniversary). He jokes now about how I forced him, but I know he is happy I did. He's one of those guys that had never witnessed a good marriage and thought marriage and kids weren't for him. Seems I keep pulling him through life.

A new adventure!

So, I've decided to delve into the world of I need more distraction in my life, right? I hope I can keep this up better than my family website (, email me if you'd like the log-in information, but be warned I haven't updated it in over a year). I haven't decided exactly what I want to accomplish with this site, though.

Hmmm...what's going on with me right now? Well, I have two boys who are 4 and almost 2 years old who are making me crazy and for some reason all I can think about is having another baby. What's wrong with me. I know my DH will not be for this plan, so I've kept it secret for the time being, until I can show him proof that we can afford it, etc. I pray he will come around. If I'm going to talk about that topic here, so I guess I better not let him know about my blog. :)